Hallo alle!
After 95 delightfully long, dark days, I felt the rays of the sun on my face again :P. That was truly a neat experience.
Man, I feel like I'm running out of things to write in these
emails, but I'll do my best. After last week, the work here has just
exploded here in Mo i Rana (as big as missionary work explosions get in
Mo). While walking to an appointment, we saw a group of three teenage
boys walking toward us, whispering to each other and pointing at us. "Uh
oh, looks like trouble." Farnsworth said. Once we approached them they
said "Hey! Are you guys Mormons?" "Uhh, yeah that's our nickname, but we
really belong to the Church of Jesus Christ." "Oh okay. . . Tell us
what you believe." Man, if contacting was always like that, life would
be walking on sunshine :D. A number and return appointment later, we
made it to our original appointment. However, on the return trip toward
home, two men working on a house called out to us "hey! Are you two
Norwegian?" "Uhh nope, but we can speak Norwegian!" "What are you guys
doing here?" Two copies of the Book of Mormon placed, and phone numbers
later, Elder Farnsworth and I walked home completely stunned. Mind you,
the weather has been rather warm enough to rain, yet not warm enough to
melt the slush on the roads, so we walked home in about 5 inches of
slush/water. Needless to say our shoes and clothes were soaked, but we
didn't care one bit. Our hearts and minds were teeming with the Spirit,
and nothing could get our spirits down. That's something amazing about
the Spirit. Your circumstances can be the worst the world can give you,
yet the Gospel of Jesus Christ can still brighten your day and give you a
lasting, impressive feeling of warmth and joy. That is what we share
with people.
One thing I recommend, if I may, to all of you who study scriptures
every day (and if you don't, you should!): read the Ensign or Liahona
every day! The words of modern day prophets are just as important to
follow (and at times more important to follow) than ancient prophets!
You should see my thrashed copies of these magazines with notes
garnishing the pages. Modern day scripture is a gift from God! And it
has a particular power to build you up, as our investigator Alexander
can attest.

Elder Farnsworth and I made it a goal to actually go through the
whole area book and call former investigators. To any missionary who has
ever opened the area book, you will know what a horribly exhausting,
and at times defeating task that is. However, lucky for us, we only had
85 people to call/make contact with! After 78 people of nothing at all,
within the last 7 we received 4 return appointments!! At times the Lord
certainly does try our faith and patience. But those 4 people made the
rest of the calls worth it. And besides, calling people about the church
is good practice for being a telemarketer, right?? (*bleh*).
One thing my Mom asked me was "how is the fear factor going,
talking with people?" and I hadn't really thought about that since going
out and talking with people is the normal, everyday thing. Suddenly I
remembered being scared to go out and talk with people, and how I
absolutely dreaded being out on the street for even 15 minutes. I then
also realized that every day I still do have a taste of that
fear. However. I always pray for God take my fear away. And guess what
happens! My fear departs, and my heart and mind are opened to the love
of God I so desperately need every minute. This reminds me of Elder D.
Todd Christofferson's article in the January Ensign regarding the Lord
sending manna down to the Israelites. Yes, the Lord provided for them -
but he provided for them day-by-day. The Lord very well could have made
the Israelites feel full and not need to eat, couldn't He? But instead
He sent a daily portion of manna (double portion on Saturdays), so that
the Israelites realized their daily dependence on Him. In the very same
way, I am realizing my daily dependence upon my Savior by going out and
talking to people with courage that does not come from myself.
Missionary work is a giant miracle in and of itself. And the blessings
are indescribable.
It seems I did have things to share this week! Haha, how nutty.
This next week is absolutely crazy - including another trip down to
Trondheim (I'll make sure my companion has his shoes on). We are
supported and strengthened by God's merciful hand. You all and your
prayers are working nothing short of miracles here. I cannot express to
you all the extent your answered prayers are taking (Due to legality
issues and also lack of expressive ability on my part). I wish you all
could see the lives that are changing. I wish you all could taste this
fire of missionary work. I am indebted to my God and to you all for your
efforts in my behalf. I love you all, and God loves you more :D
-Eldste Bryce Thomas Johnson
P.S. Jared! Send me your address, I want to send you a letter.
P.S.S. Sister Hazen, your package was simply delightful. You are
wonderful. Tell Garrett I could not help myself from screamlaughing
after reading his note regarding the returned item stolen from "many
moons ago."
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