We just had a baptism this past Saturday! George is a man full of faith in his Savior Jesus Christ. And he has really felt the power that comes from coming closer to his Redeemer. It really builds my testimony seeing the joy and peace that comes through a baptism performed by the proper authority of God! The Spirit flooded my heart as he entered the water. What a blessing Elder Passey and I have received from God!
Earlier this week my thoughts were drawn back to many people I know here in Norway who have a really difficult time with the evil that surrounds them. I was curious as to why these things happen to such good people despite their desires to do good. My mind came to a conclusion that I feel somewhat explains this. I call it a "spiritual vaccination." For those of you who are not familiar with vaccinations, it is a small shot given to the body which temporarily infects it with the very disease it is meant to protect you against. As your body fights against it, your body produces the cells necessary to destroy any second infection of that type. I therefore think that at times these bad things to good people because they have the resources necessary to fight it - and will thereby become more resistant against that evil for the rest of their lives. This is what I came up with. Not doctrine - but an idea! Spiritual vaccinations seem to happen frequently, for better or worse. But I am grateful for the knowledge that God has a plan for each of us!
Splits to Stavanger flight |
Other than that though, the splits went wonderfully. It's interesting to see how the general community of cities act differently. Bergen is a big city - and therefore people think you're selling something to them. But in Stavanger they were more open to listen to our message. Really interesting, and a building experience.
Thank you all so much for the letters and support - I love them all! Please speak with each other, get to know each other better - for that is what Christ would do. I testify this Church is led by our Redeemer Jesus Christ. The future is filled with unknown, but we have been given a book filled with answers (whether received from the actual black words on the page themselves, or just the Spirit it brings). Hope you're enjoying home, Jared! Garrett, you haven't sent me a letter yet with the address back yet! Hope you're brushing up on your Chinese ;). Good luck Eric in Ukraine! You're going to rock that mission! With God, all things are possible! I love you all!!
-Eldste Bryce Thomas Johnson
Halloween in Bergen |
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