I hope everyone's having a great week! Mine was certainly a growing one. That is for sure. I am finally being exposed to parts of the world I had no idea about beforehand. Glad I'm learning some life lessons! - even if it is the hard way. But it is wonderful to know that if you are willing to do the things God has attached some serious blessings to (D&C 130:20-21), the blessings will come. And they're coming!
One really surprising piece of news - I was in church yesterday looking for a seat in Sacrament meeting, and I saw a man holding his hand out to me, and after tracing the hand up to the face - it was Brother Pulsipher! Brother Pulsipher was my next door neighbor way back when, and now lives in the wine country in Temecula. What a surprise! I sat with him and his wife during church. It was great to see a familiar face from back home. We got a picture, so I think you should see that soon, Mom.
The work itself is coming along! One thing that really helped all the missionaries here was we went to a very central part of the city, by the lake (for those of you with google maps . . . .) and we used chalk for a huge drawing of the Plan of Salvation. We taught so many people that day! It was really neat.
A literal miracle we experienced was after a few hours of contacting in the rain and not very many positive responses, we decided to go and pray for one teach - just one teach. So we did, and the third person we contacted was totally positive and we gave a Book of Mormon to! Yeah!! That was a really surprising, yet wonderfully timed answer to a prayer. Other than that, we are continually out finding, teaching less actives and trying to find more people to teach! If any of you have anyone you know who would be interested to hear our message, please let us know! ;)
The language is coming along - the language barrier slowly deteriorating. I can finally focus again! And I love it! Ahh, what a blessing our minds are. The Bergen dialect is particularly difficult due to a strong German influence - so understanding is slowly coming along, and speaking is certainly weird because I speak so differently than them. Norway is so varied in its dialects! It's a really neat experience to be here and experience them all.
So this week I realized it is very difficult to go and contact for hours in the rain. I feel bad for the people we stop because they're just stopped getting wet in the rain! Haha, but little do they know the wonderful blessings possible through our message (1 Cor. 2:9-11 - I found the scripture, Ken!). It was particularly difficult on Friday when Elder Argyle and I (both brand new missionaries) had to go on splits for the day. And we had a full day of finding! What a learning experience that was. Haha. I'm sure many who have gone on missions can completely imagine our predicament. We are still in one piece, however, and wiser for it. There is a promise in the mission call that states that if we diligently study the scriptures we will find the motivation to continually be obedient and work hard. I am holding that promise to the test, and praying fervently for the strength to go and find more people. I testify that all things are possible through the Atonement made by our Savior Jesus Christ, and that we can tap into that power through the scriptures (Moroni 10:3-5). Therefore, pray! read scriptures every day! go to church! fulfill your duty! And you will be immensely blessed beyond your imagination.
About the ward size, the ward is pretty big for Norway, about 60 people. We have wonderful members who are supporting us (especially with our fireside performance in two weeks). Turns out I'll be accompanying a violinist and a vocalist! We shall decide the song soon, and I'll let you all know.
I wish I could send some pictures! I forgot my cord this week (as well as last week . . .) so I hope by next week I can send some! Micah, please send me some scripture chains. I would love to use them, especially for member teaches. Please send them! Other than that, I am alive and well! Thank you for your prayers, I pray for you as well! This Gospel is true, and is directly applicable to our lives. We just need to use it. I love you all!
-Eldste Bryce Thomas Johnson
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